1320 Mendota St Suite 121 A
Madison, WI 53714
Telephone: 608-577-1692
Advanced Audiology provides a variety of services for patients including and not limited to:
Compensation and Pension
Exams for Veterans
Full service records review
Full audiometric testing for Compensation and Pension exams
Written medical opinions and report within 24 hours of the Veteran's appointment.
Nexus Letters for Veterans
Full Nexus letters for all Conditions including Hearing loss, Tinnitus, Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, and all conditions secondary to these such as migraines secondary to tinnitus.
IMO and Full Nexus Opinions for previously denied or newly opened claims.
Nexus Letters for Tinnitus as secondary to TBI.
Analysis of clinical audiometric testing
New audiometric testing with full scope of compensation and pension test battery
New written report based on current scientific data for hearing loss/tinnitus
Worker's Compensation Claims
for Hearing Loss/Tinnitus
SSA/SSI Claims Assistance
Review of medico-legal documents for Worker's Compensation cases
Analysis of clinical audiometric testing
Perform new audiometric testing or monitoring
Provide court testimony
Provide Interrogatories and In person testimony.
In-person SSA/SSI Exams for Disability.
Hearing Conservation Exams